Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Room Reveal

WOW. I have dreamed of typing these words for a while now and I'm thrilled that I can actually do it: It's finally done. I have been busting my ass butt for four grueling weeks and I couldn't be happier with the result. I have created a classroom that I am so proud to call my own. It is warm, comfortable, and feels like home (that was the goal, because I officially spend more time here than my own home). I was just explaining to my mother last night how essential it is that the classroom feel safe and comforting for my students because in a Title I school many of them come in with a low self-esteem or an aversion towards school. My ultimate goal is that they will feel comfortable enough in our classroom to put fourth a positive attitude so that we can make learning a fun and lasting experience. Enough of my blabbing...here it is!

Of course I had to spruce up those boring clear drawers!

Shout out to my family for my lovely first  week of school roses!

My home depot toolbox turned teacher-toolbox

Shout out to my grandmother for sewing this beautiful table skirt!

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Here Goes Nothing!

So I may have jumped the gun by already calling this a "fab" first year, but hey, I'm hopeful. I'm new to the world of blogging, so don't expect anything fancy (it took me long enough to figure out how to create this darn thing). I'm just a first-year teacher diving into the craziness of third grade. I'm terrified and stressed, yet so excited for this upcoming year! Here are some pictures of the classroom when I first arrived.

Now, I'm not one to harp on the negativities of the teaching profession or the things that I disagree with. I chose this profession fully aware of the issues and imperfections of the system, because it is a profession that I love and am passionate about. From time to time I will be highlighting particular points about my job, mostly just for my family that reads this who aren't aware of exactly how challenging it is to be a teacher.
Let me begin by telling you that case of paper on the desk is all of the copy paper I get for the entire YEAR. 

The previous teacher left behind such an overwhelming amount of stuff and I had to spend an entire day going through and throwing away most of it.

This week I will start shopping, preparing, and decorating my classroom, so stay tuned for another update.

I hope everyone is having as much fun preparing their classroom as I am!